Thursday, September 19, 2013

Our little hike

We took a nice hike the last day of the trip.  All of us were Pretty hung over and none of us got to shower with a five hour drive the day before.
We were all happy that we didn't skip it.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Stop 13 (last!) - Ice Axe Grill / Mt. Hood Brewing

Oh, I have no photos of this!  Well it happened and I am now regretting the garlicky salsa on those nachos!  Evidently I like amber beers, their Root Beer is dee-licious (thanks for sharing Brad!), their Oatmeal Stout is pretty darn tasty (D's choice) and Neil reported the Pepsi fountain is properly mixing soda water and syrup.

Smith Rock State Park

Repentance for our recent debauchery was found in a ~4 mile hike up, over, and around a big hill.  What a beautiful place, a lovely day, and great company!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sleeping, night 3

Neil to Derrick: you got a kick in your future.   What Derrick hears "you got a dick in your future".

Very Blue Lake

We stopped at Crater Lake on the way to Bend. I took way too many crappy phone pics. Here is one.

Derrick added more camera phone pics!  Goodjob derrick!

Ignore the grammar

for those fearing after reading derricks confuso english, we did make it back the house.  one growler and much poor choices, but safe

Stop dozen - silver moon

Derrick like mango and Porter.  Brad like pilsner and Ryan is beating him down to live mango.  Ryan love mango.  Neil live lamp.

Stop 11 - Crux

Oh my fucking god, the beers!!
If I had to choose two if say the peated scotch and the Porter.  Neil like all but choose light skinned the most this time.  Ryan is being difficult and days none of them hit him but he liked the "smell".  He's a dick.  Brad liked the double cross and lager which upsets Derrick for dinner reason.
Derrick: Brad can't eat a damn sandwich.

Stop 10 - good life

It's OK.  I think our favorite beers were guest taps.  Anderson valley pumpkin beer.  Ryan was cool with the house IPA cause it's less ipa-ee.

Bendy bend

Made it to bend, first beer o the day.  Good life is a bit disappointing, not sure how to add to that.  Off to 10 Barrel next, with wide eyes and empty bellies.

A stop along the way

Taking 66 back to Medford we stretched our legs at a view point just outside of Ashland.k

Derrick: crazy cyclists flying down this crazy road.

Yreka! Now away from Yreka

The lost android has been located.  Oh R2, not that way, you'll be breaking down in no time.  Now, fully pocket-device e  quipped, we are pointed at crater lake, with bend beyond.  Thanks wild river.  Derrick has popped the clutch and told medford to eat its dust.  woo!

Next steps

We'll soon be "bugging" out of Klamath Falls on our way to Bend via a short stop in Medford to pick up a lost phone. That'll make for a fair bit of driving but we're prepared; this is what we've been training for!

Stop #9 - Klamath Basin Brewing and The Creamery

A brewery. A restaurant. A tasty end to the night.

Now what?

Now what?  Now I scream at the stupid internets for losing my long winded wordy post.  Not re typing it.  Cliffs notes are that Medford was hot, beer was good at a couple spots (yay) brad lost his phone (boo) and we aren't quite sure where the day will take us.  The crud wireless at the hotel is pissing me off, so I will hold off on more until a later time.  Thanks whiffee, you are on the coal list

Stop 9 - creamery Klamath falls

Good bar , big tasters and right next to the maverick hotel so win!

Derrick liked vanilla Peter and IPA.  Neil of course like brown and brad and rush liked it when I put jalapeños in the blonde.

Lucky Neil

Decided to make things special for Neil since we're sharing a room tonight.
Rose petals and lovely note.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Stop #8 brick town

Sooooo many IPA.  Very good.  Neil likes brown.  Derrick likes them bitter and sour.  Brad likes the gingers.  Ryan has a tongue for the ipa .

Second night hotel

Neil failed us for hotel picking.

Stop #7 - Walkabout Brewing Co.

Yum. And a tour! The group favorite is the Jabberwocky Strong.  

Derrick says: Ryan told the bar tender that his "partner" was glutton intolerant and that they were always looking for good option.  Totally sounded gay.

Stop #6 - Rehydration

... at White River in Medford.  PRay over beer!  Sandwiches were good.

B lack berry was good.

No hiking for you

Traveling south to Medford we stopped off at a couple spots where we thought there might be hiking... None of that to be had but we were able to stretch our legs and work on our sunburns at the Valley of the Rouge State Park.

Dear deer

Next time you wish to cross the highway, please wait until the cars have passed.  Sincerely, all of us drivers and especially the red car that  nearly hit you.

Regret...with a smack of ham

Morning has come to the bro room, and everyone is up and feeling in good spirits.  Not much visible pain, anyway.  And, we won't need to leave behind a kajillion Sasquatch air freshness, which is nice.  My first and only night sharing a bed with Ryan.  All I can say is, Natalie, you're a lucky woman.

We will be setting out soon, with possible intention of finding a hiking trail or two on the way to southern oregon.  Nothing picked out yet, but you will be the fifth to know.  Our fourth if I'm napping again.

Our hotel and much of Eugene is filled with yellow and orange clad people.  Will be happy to leave them all behind.  It is kind of cool to be around large swaths of people so excited about a game.  But really?  College football?  What about the curling championships?  Now that would be cool.

Pun is done, and the daily quota is complete.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sleeping together - bro style

So, we get to share beds the first night.
Derrick to Brad "what does my breath small like?"
Brad to Derrick "cotton candy and poo".

Stop Johnny 5 - Brewpub interlude

Just lounging...

Number 4 - First National Taphouse

Next few planned stops in Eugene were skipped due to hordes of hungry/thirsty football fans in town for a game tomorrow. Ended up at the First National Taphouse for food and drinks.

Eugene, you are lousy with people

Many pubs, many many more minions to fill them.  I have a beer finally, so all is not lost.  Those stupid people in my way should be lost though.  Meh, this CDA from Claim52 is good though.

The Bed Cover is Ugly with Loud

We've made it to the lovely hotel, the charmingly named Village Inn.  They say it takes a village.  They have clearly been drinking.  Ok, sorry Village quantifiers, we've been drinking.  Don't judge us.  

First three stops, Albany/Corvallis/Corvallis complete and mightily enjoyed.  The drive in our skiyish blue captiva has been good with very minimal lostness.  Now we prep for night number one, sampling a few of Eugene's finest, and maybe one Sprinfieldian brew.  

We ask you think of us hearty souls, doing the lords work.  This isn't for us, it's for you villagers.  I hope you like it.  And by it, I mean drunken ramblings that will be coming.  Best xmas ever.

Slow Men Drinking

Stop the third - Flat Tail

Second stop - block 15

Really knowledgeable staff.  Ryan likes monk.  I like the French goodbye.  Brad likes the girly half lemonade.  Neil liked gold... Goldstein.

This is why we do this

Standing on the street in albany, trying to decide where to go, a veryold woman walked up to us.  The following conversation is mostly word for word;  Lady "How old are you guys?"  Us "Mid thirties, mostly".  Lady "I'm not sure I should tell you guys, but I was in California and heard this joke."  Us "Ok"  Lady "Why did the fish get kicked out of school?"  Us "Why" Lady "Because it was caught with sea weed."    Thank you lady

Derrick likes his drinkies

Our first stop

The burger was meh but I'm told the beers were tasty.